Sports Specific Rehabilitation

injuries caused by participation in sporting events are the most common form of musculoskeletal injury today. Fortunately, manual therapies have been proven to be one of the most successful methods for helping athletes not only recover from their injuries but also return to their former level of participation in their sport of choice.

Every sport places a specific set of strains on the human body. It would make very little sense to approach the physical therapy for a shoulder injury in a golfer and a football player the same way as they are using these parts of their body for very distinct functions and placing them through different ranges of motion as they participate in their sport.

The way in which these sports specific stressors impact the body of an athlete can also be influenced by the specific physiological makeup or “build” of that athlete. By taking this into account any pre-existing physiological imbalances or potentially damaging patterns of motion can be addressed in order to further reduce the chance of re-injury in the future.

Aside from addressing the needs of the individual athlete in the context of their sport, there are many other benefits to this type of physical therapy, including but not limited to:

  • Increased cellular metabolism (encouraging healing of the damaged tissue)
  • Increased circulation in the injured area (further encouraging healing processes)
  • Strengthening of weakened muscles and prevention of muscular atrophy
  • Stimulation of joint receptors
  • Restoration of range of motion and increased flexibility in tight muscles
  • Increased lymphatic drainage
  • Increased extensibility of connective and supporting tissue structures
  • Relief of muscular spasms